

  • 2022 - Now
    Software Engineer
    • Focus: Generative AI for Labs (Gemini API).
    • Launched an MVP feature per month, on microservices for public APIs.
    • Designed, built, and owned 3 LLM tokenization endpoints.
  • 2021 - 2022
    Software Engineer
    • Focus: Natural-language understanding for Search Feed (Discover).
    • Built and launched multimodal content classifiers spanning 100+ languages.
    • Wrote self-supervised pipelines that predict user behavior.
  • Summer 2020
    Software Engineering Intern
    • Focus: Recommender systems for Search Feed (Discover).
    • Designed and wrote a custom attention layer (+0.2% accuracy).
    • Found and fixed a critical bug in a production deep learning library.


  • Languages: Python, C++, TypeScript, SQL, Go.
  • Software: TensorFlow, Kubernetes, NoSQL, AWS, Git.
  • Spoken Languages: English, Spanish.


  • 2022
    • Social events lead for 2K+ Nooglers.
  • 2020
    • Top GPA in graduating class.
    • ACM-ICPC Mexico finalist.


  • 2020
    N-Body Simulation
    • Built a 3D celestial mechanics simulation of bodies interacting in space.
    • Applied Newton's laws, ODE numerical integration, and WebGL rendering.
  • 2020
    Tiger Compiler
    • Implemented a compiler front-end for Tiger, a small imperative language.
    • Programmed in ML, a functional language. Lexed and parsed with Lex and Yacc.
  • 2017
    • Cofounded a mariachi booking app; gathered 1K+ users in Mexico City.
    • I led business operations, marketing, UX, and back-end development.


  • 2016 - 2020
    B.S. Computer Science
    Tecnológico de Monterrey
    • Summa Cum Laude.
  • Spring 2020
    Visiting Student
    Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Theoretical computer science.
  • Fall 2018
    Deep Learning Specialization
    • Architectures and optimization.